Virtual Assistants



The truth is that the keys to having a successful working relationship with overseas workers (in the Philippines or elsewhere) are nearly identical to what it takes to create a successful relationship with local workers.

We have found the best way to work with overseas workers is simply to treat them just like any other worker - it's not complicated.  Here are the keys we've found to a successful working relationship with your overseas workers:

1)  Good Training - Our BrightDrop team members come to the table with experience, but each organization is different.  Taking the time upfront to properly train your BrightDrop team will always pay off in the long run.  Proper training will reduce rework & make both you and your team much happier.

2)  Clearly Defined Tasks - Take the time to clearly define the tasks for your BrightDrop team.  Results will be better when each team member has a clear understanding of what you need him/her to accomplish.

3) Create a System - We will work with you on this, but you will likely have more success if you create a system for your team to follow each day.

4)  Set Expectations - Be clear about what is expected of your BrightDrop team members.  This goes for time to complete tasks/projects, quality of work, and any other points that are important to your business.

5)  Regular Communication - Following training, we recommend daily contact with your virtual assistant(s) via email, instant messaging & video calls when necessary.  The key with the communication is to not unload a project, wait a few weeks, and check in.  Stay in touch on a regular basis and make sure that your workers are staying on task.

6)  Mentoring - In addition to regular training, we often find that pairing one senior team member with each new hire is an effective means to accelerate training.  The senior team member could be in the US or an existing member of your BrightDrop team.  This allows your new hires to receive one-on-one assistance when they have questions about specific training materials.

7)  Be Patient - At BrightDrop Virtual Assistants, we look for quick learners.  However, patience on behalf of our clients is still necessary.  Make sure each BrightDrop team member understands his/her tasks & what is expected.  You will likely find that your patience up front will pay off with hard-work and dedication from your BrightDrop team members in the long run.

8)  Personal Touch - Get to know your BrightDrop team members.  Take some time to read up on Filipino or Latin American culture (there is plenty of information available online) and ask questions.  We've always found these personal bonds help with the working relationship.  And when you take the time to better understand Filipino or Latin American culture, we think you will find more similarities than differences.

9)  Be Inclusive - Treat your BrightDrop Team Members like they are part of your overall team.  Include them in meetings & company updates.  These small gestures go a long way in forming strong team bonds.

10)  Treat all workers with respect - The bottom line is simple: treat all workers with respect.  This is the best way to create a successful, long-lasting relationship with all of your employees & contractors.

In summary: Successfully hiring and managing overseas workers is very similar to successfully hiring and managing local workers.

at brightdrop virtual assistants, we believe The secret to successfully managing an overseas team is that there is no secret.


companies succeed & fail at Managing overseas workers for the same reasons they succeed & Fail at Managing local teams.